冬季降临And Winter Came...
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[ti:trains and winter rains]
[00:11.62]City Streets passing by
[00:16.67]Underneath stormy skies.
[00:31.55]Neon signs in the night
[00:39.33]Red and blue city lights
[00:44.08]Cargo trains rolling by
[00:49.12]Once again someone cries
[00:56.87]Trains and winter rains
[01:00.43]No going by, no going home.
[01:06.50]Trains across the plains,
[01:10.28]And in the sky, the star alone.
[01:22.47]La la la
[01:23.32]Everytime, it’s the same.
[01:26.88]One more night, one more train.
[01:31.88]Everywhere empty roads,
[01:36.94]Where they go, no one knows.
[01:44.58]Trains and winter rains,
[01:48.02]No going by, no going home.
[01:53.41]Trains across the plains,
[01:58.02]And in the sky, the star alone.
[02:04.58]Trains and winter rains,
[02:08.02]No going by, no going home.
[02:14.52]Trains across the plains,
[02:18.10]And in the sky, the star alone.
[02:23.34]La la la
[02:28.34]Da da da da da … da da da da da da da (2x)
[02:47.47]Trains and winter rains,
[02:50.91]No going by, no going home.
[02:57.23]Trains across the plains
[03:00.98]And in the sky, the star alone
[03:07.30]Trains and winter rains,
[03:10.98]No going by, no going home
[03:17.38]Trains across the plains
[03:20.80]And in the sky, the star alone



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