冬季降临And Winter Came...
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[ti:last time by moonlight]
[00:18.69]The winter sky above us
[00:23.63]Was shining
[00:26.57]In moonlight,
[00:30.31]And everywhere around us
[00:36.06]The silence
[00:39.01]Of midnight.
[00:43.45]And we had gathered snowflakes;
[00:51.53]The soft light
[00:54.54]Of starlight on snow.
[01:05.21]Oooh, remember this,
[01:09.29]For no-one knows
[01:12.35]The way love goes.
[01:16.61]Oooh, remember this,
[01:21.57]For no-one knows
[01:24.66]The way life goes.
[01:33.24]We walked the road together
[01:38.06]One last time
[01:41.03]By moonlight,
[01:45.62]As underneath the heavens
[01:50.48]The slow chimes
[01:53.69]At midnight,
[01:57.45]But nothing is forever
[02:03.03]Not even
[02:06.10]The starlight
[02:09.29]At midnight
[02:12.35]Not even
[02:15.60]The moonlight...
[02:19.08]Oooh, remember this,
[02:26.97]For no-one knows
[02:30.08]The way love goes.
[02:34.27]Oooh, remember this,
[02:39.46]For no-one knows
[02:42.42]The way life goes



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