冬季降临And Winter Came...
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[ti:white is in the winter night]
[00:17.75]Have you seen the mistletoe, it fills the night with kisses
[00:22.86]Have you seen the bright blue star, it fills your heart with wishes
[00:28.46]Have you seen the candlelight, it shines from every window
[00:33.95]Have you seen the moon above, it lights the sky in silver
[00:40.16]Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
[00:45.29]Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
[00:48.73]Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
[00:56.40]White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
[01:02.21]Have you heard the boys outside, when all the girls are skating
[01:07.56]Have you heard their sweet hearts cry for all this time they're waiting
[01:11.82]Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
[01:31.43]Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
[01:37.14]Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
[01:42.63]White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
[01:48.50]Have you seen the children playing, tiny hands are frozen
[01:53.75]Have you seen them hurry home, when suddenly its snowing
[02:01.11]Green is in the mistletoe and red is in the holly
[02:17.62]Silver in the stars above that shine on everybody
[02:23.22]Gold is in the candlelight and crimson in the embers
[02:28.82]White is in the winter night that everyone remembers
[02:34.78]Have you heard that bells are ringing, ringing out their story
[02:39.95]Have you heard the choir singing, Glory, Glory Glory



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