

1    Captain America (main titles)
2    Frozen wasteland
3    Schmidt′s treasure
4    Farewell to Bucky
5    Hydra lab
6    Training the supersoldier
7    Schmidt′s story
8    Vitarays
9    Captain America ′′we did it′′
10    Kruger chase
11    Hostage on the pier
12    General′s resign
13    Unauthorized night flight
14    Troop liberation
15    Factory inferno
16    Triumphant return
17    Howling commando′s montage
18    Hydra train
19    Rain fire upon them
20    Motorcycle mayhem
21    Invasion
22    Flight on the flight deck
23    This is my choice
24    Passage of time
25    Captain America
26    Star spangled man
27    Captain America march



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