Monster Ball TourLive in Camden
1. Intro & Dance In The Dark
2. Just Dance
3. LoveGame
4. Alejandro
5. Don't Call Me GaGa (Intro)
6. So Happy I Could Die
7. Teeth
8. Speechless
9. Poker Face (Acoustic) & Make Her Say Feat. Kid Cudi
10. Fashion
11. The Fame
12. Money Honey
13. Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
14. Boys Boys Boys
15. Paper Gangsta
16. Poker Face
17. Paparazzi
18. Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
19. Bad Romance (Outro)


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So Happy I Could Die 1030 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Dance in the Dark 997 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Teeth 1615 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Just Dance 1111 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Speechless 986 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Love Game 1038 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Fashion 1091 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Alejandro 1003 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
The Fame 1161 歌词 LRC 0  收藏
Monster 1494 歌词 LRC 0  收藏



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