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[00:03.56]Garbage - Bright Tonight
[00:26.21]From the beginning we were always going to fail
[00:34.62]We were the next thing that the world could not wait to tear down
[00:42.36]Off balance in our own minds
[00:49.87]Off balance in the ways we looked to everybody else
[00:58.39]On and on all summer long we never stood a chance
[01:05.25]Sky bright tonight
[01:09.47]Live forever always bright tonight
[01:18.34]Hey you
[01:23.17]You be who you are
[01:28.04]You be who you are forever
[01:29.39]You be who you are
[01:32.63]You my brightest star across the sky
[01:39.04]You’re bright tonight
[02:03.22]It was right now and then suddenly it’s gone
[02:12.89]We were both wrong but here we are we’re right where we belong
[02:15.01]Off balance in our own lives
[02:25.29]Off balance in the ways we looked to everybody else
[02:27.23]On and on all summer long we never stood a chance
[02:33.22]Sky bright tonight
[02:38.12]Live forever always bright tonight
[02:45.91]Hey you
[02:49.86]You be who you are
[02:53.42]You be who you are forever
[02:57.58]You be who you are
[03:01.41]You my brightest star across the sky
[03:07.27]You’re bright tonight Tweet add to
[03:13.55]My Songs



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