Tell Me Why
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[ar:John Lennon (Beatles)]
[00:18] It's easy if you try
[00:26] No hell below us
[00:30] Above us only sky
[00:38] Imagine all the people
[00:43] Living for today...
[00:52] Imagine there's no countries
[00:56] It isn't hard to do
[01:03] Nothing to kill or die for
[01:09] And no religion too
[01:15] Imagine all the people
[01:22] Living life in peace...
[01:54] Imagine no possessions
[01:59] I wonder if you can
[02:06] No need for greed or hunger
[02:13] A brotherhood of man
[02:18] Imagine all the people
[02:25] Sharing all the world...
[02:33][01:31] You may say I'm a dreamer
[02:40][01:36] But I'm not the only one
[02:44][01:43] I hope someday you'll join us
[02:51][01:48] And the world will be as one.



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