Mary Star Of The Sea
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Songs Title:endless summer

there used to be a time that i believed
the soft pouring rain was just the pouring rain
it wasn't me, but every new light that isn't shiny and bright
will suspend the storms and the clouds in sight
of an endless summer
an endless summer
an endless summer to be home
let me go, wasting time
let me go waste my time
once there was a chance that i believed you
a kiss was just a kiss
no matter how i missed you
shine a light on me
say a prayer for the relief
from an endless summer
an endless summer
an endless summer to be home
did we go on too long
did we listen too close
to a youth built strong
with things children shouldn't know
and the fall out from your third degrees
of broken chairs and of pedigrees
where the sons kill sons, and the daughters stay wise
cause when we rule, everybody dies
in an endless summer
an endless summer
an endless summer to be home
let me go, wasting time
let me go waste my time
let me go, wasting time
let me go waste my time
now you can disagree
with how i choose to live
but freedom isn't free
unless you learn how to give
to the summer, summer, summer, yeah
summer, summer, summer, yeah
summer, summer, summer, yeah
summer, summer, summer, yeah



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