Some Kind Of Trouble
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[00:01.02]James Blunt - Dangerous
[03:04.05][00:03.44] 今生缘音乐网
[00:07.16]I'll be standing in the corner
[00:11.92]Just watching her slaughter them
[00:15.59]See you all go wild
[00:20.86]I've been dipping in my finger
[00:25.81]Testing out the water
[00:29.19]See you on the other side
[00:33.77]She is dangerous, she is dangerous, I'm sure (woah)
[00:40.76]And she's all dressed up and knocking at my door (woah)
[00:47.50]She is dangerous, she is dangerous, I know (woah)
[00:54.44]But she's got my heart and she's never letting go
[01:01.95]I'll be hanging on your heartache
[01:07.50]Enough rope for my sake and losing everytime
[01:13.98]I'll be wrapped around your finger, let the moment linger
[01:24.12]See you on the other side
[01:28.57]She is dangerous, she is dangerous, I'm sure (woah)
[01:35.42]And she's all dressed up and knocking at my door (woah)
[01:42.21]She is dangerous, she is dangerous, I know (woah)



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