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歌曲 I'll Buy the Ring and Change Your Name to Mine MP3,在线试听,下载 < Cliff Edwards < 外语歌曲网
I’ll See You in My Dreams
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Every boy who has a sweetheart
Has a pet name for his girl

Some like a name like Ruby
And others like a name like Pearl

But my sweetheart is so beautiful
No pet name can i find

So I thought the matter over
And ive made up my mind

Well i would love to call you rose dear,
but roses fade away
roses fade when winter time is near

say id love to call you daisy
but daisys always tell
what sweethearts like to whisper in your ear

say id love to call you honey
but honey runs away

i much prefer a name like clinging vine

and if i call you buttercup
the dandelions might eat you up

so ill buy a ring and change your name to mine

yes id love to call you rose dear
but roooooooooooses fade away
roses fade when winter time is near

say id love to call you daisy
but daisys always tell
what sweethearts like to whisper in your ear

say id love to call you honey
but honey runs away

i much prefer a name like clinging vine

and if i call you buttercup
then those "tater" bugs might eat you up

so ill buy a ring and change your name to mine



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