JUST KIDS (Deluxe Edition)
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For every time the tears are falling down your face
For every night you hear those three words start to change
When you're just close enough to know how far you're away
Let it rain

When the heart you've known feels like an empty home
And your frozen hands just don't feel like your own
When your love is caving and you don't have the strength to roll back the stone
There's a time meant for war
There's a time meant to pray

There's a time
There's a time
There's a time
There's a time
When all you can say is
Let it rain
Let it rain

Just because it's pouring down
Doesn't mean we're gonna drown
There's a time
There's a time
There's a time
There's a time
When all you can say is
Let it rain

They say it's easier to just give up
Like the promises we made weren't strong enough
Can we turn down a road no one else seems to go with and buy a new love?
There's a time to kick down the door
There's a time to run away

'Cause you and I could never hide
Just running with the wind
We were born to be alive
Like we're never giving in
Yeah, we got open eyes in another night
To give it all away

There's a time
There's a time
There's a time
There's a time
There's nothing to say
Let it rain
Let it rain
Let it rain---



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