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Goodbye Friend - David Guetta

The colors will change

I love every shade of you

Don't lose your faith

Keep walking how you do

Don't you say you are the worth

All the pain and all the hurt

you're going through

And I'll always be with you

Goodbye friend

No, this is not the end

Lift up your head

Somewhere with me again

Or until the moments be shared

Those are the treasures

that won't disappear

Goodbye friend

Friend, friend, friend,

The world's just a place

That we're only passing through

Heaven awaits

Those that keep marching through

Don't you say that loving lost

Wasn't worth the pain it cost

you're going through

Cause I'd take it all for you

Goodbye friend

No, this is not the end

Lift up your head

Somewhere with me again

Or until the moments be shared

Those are the treasures

that won't disappear

Goodbye friend

Friend, friend, friend



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