Music To Make Boys Cry (Deluxe Edition)
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Dead Heat - Diana Vickers

If I had to choose between oxygen and you

It’d be a dead heath

Is there something in your kiss

For me like electricity

It hits me

Without you I’m a just the bonds

Of who I want to be

And to lose you

Would be like losing half of my heartbeat

It’s not a matter of life and death

But if I had to choose between love and breath

I’d sacrifice the sun I wouldn’t have to be

Forever so long on time

It’s not a matter of life and death

But if I had to choose between love and breath

I’d sacrifice the sun I wouldn’t have to be

Forever so long on time

Without you, without you

Got my night and day and without you I’m ok

Yeah I can get by

But there’s something in your touch

An adrenaline rush inside butterflies

Without you I’m just a puzzle with mixing pieces

And to lose you would be like losing

My reason to breathe

It’s not a matter of life and death

But if I had to choose between love and breath

I’d sacrifice the sun I wouldn’t have to be

Forever so long on time

Without you

It’s not a matter of life and death

But if I had to choose between love and breath

I’d sacrifice the sun I wouldn’t have to live

Forever so long on time

Without you, without you

Without you, without you

It’s not a matter of life and death

But if I had to choose between love and breath

I’d sacrifice the sun I wouldn’t have to be

Forever so long on time

Without you

It’s not a matter of life and death

But if I had to choose between love and breath

I’d sacrifice the sun I wouldn’t have to live

Forever so long on time

Without you



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