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The Hammer's Coming Down - Nickelback

Where will you be

when the sky comes down?

What would you do if the

street was found

Stay right beside me

when the ground starts shaking

The only sound you hear

is the breath we're taking

If there is one thing

I can promise you

We'll see the light again

This is the calm

before the coming storm

This is the ripped-sky-morning

we're not wanting now

This is the fight

that we'd been waiting for

And there's no sense in running

The hammer's coming down

The hammer's coming down

The hammer's coming

Once it's started

there's no turning back

But I'll be with you

when the sun turns black

Cause finding faith

will always be the hardest

While you're standing

in the heart of darkness

If there is one thing

I can promise you

We'll see the light again

This is the calm

before the coming storm

This is the ripped-sky-morning

we're not wanting now

This is the fight

that we'd been waiting for

And there's no sense in running

The hammer's coming down


The hammer's coming down


The hammer's coming


Hold it on,

we'll make it 'til the dawn

It'll be here before long

Hold it on,

if we can find the light

We can make our way back home

Hold it on,

we'll make it 'til the dawn

It'll be here before long

Hold it on, if we can find the light

We'll find the light, come on

Hold on,

we'll make it 'til the dawn

It'll be here before long

Hold on,

if we can find the light

We can make our way back home

Hold on,

we'll make it 'til the dawn

It'll be here before long

Hold on, if we can find the light

We'll find the light, come on

This is the calm

before the coming storm

This is the fight

that we'd been waiting for

Hold on,

we'll make it 'til the dawn

It'll be here before long

Hold it on,

if we can find the light

We'll find the light, come on



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