华尔街之狼 电影原声带 The Wolf of Wall Street
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[00:37.52][00:28.08]I'm gonna get up in the mornin'
[00:41.17][00:31.75]I believe I'll dust my broom
[00:47.25]Girlfriend the black man you been lovin'
[00:50.46]Girlfriend can get my room
[01:05.97][00:56.42]I'm gon' write a letter
[01:09.32][01:00.57]Telephone every town I know
[01:15.15]If I can't find her in West Helena
[01:18.55]She must be in East Monroe, I know
[01:33.76][01:24.58]I don't want no woman
[01:27.93]Wants every downtown man she meet
[01:37.34]Wants every downtown man she meet
[01:43.50]She's a no good doney
[01:46.87]They shouldn't 'low her on the street
[02:02.51][01:52.97]I believe I believe I'll go back home
[02:12.10]You can mistreat me here babe
[02:15.46]But you can't when I go home



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