The Origin of Love
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[00:01.63]I want the whole world to celebrate
[00:11.95]I wanna come home
[00:14.35]To the only place I know
[00:18.26]Where the trees I planted grow
[00:22.17]I wanna come home
[00:28.38]Once I get up I feel better
[00:30.37]Then I pull myself together
[00:32.05]I remember those two letters
[00:33.93]It will be OK
[00:36.07]Everyone says now or never
[00:37.81]I say only if it's better
[00:39.77]Be a night like this forever
[00:41.79]Will we know better
[00:44.98]I want the whole world to celebrate
[00:48.81]I want the whole world to celebrate
[00:52.74]I want the whole world to celebrate
[00:56.58]I want the whole world to celebrate
[00:59.33]I'll be just fine
[01:01.53]When I see you at the finish line
[01:05.39]Doesn't matter if I take my time
[01:09.74]I'm coming home
[01:15.55]Once I get up I feel better
[01:17.54]And I pull myself together
[01:19.26]I remember those two letters
[01:21.19]It will be OK
[01:23.22]Everyone says now or never
[01:25.07]I say only if it's better
[01:27.10]Be a night like this forever
[01:29.21]Will we know better
[01:32.23]I want the whole world to celebrate
[01:35.99]I want the whole world to celebrate
[01:39.90]I want the whole world to celebrate
[01:43.80]I want the whole world to celebrate
[01:47.55]I'm not mad at you at all
[01:50.45]But I want the whole world to celebrate
[02:05.00]Right about now it's time for everybody to stand up
[02:07.49]Stand up
[02:08.50]Stand up
[02:09.46]And have fun
[02:12.82]'Cause we just begun
[02:15.45]I want the whole world to celebrate
[02:17.29]Let's go
[02:18.10]Once again if I feel better
[02:20.48]Then I pull myself together
[02:22.25]I remember those two letters
[02:24.19]It will be OK
[02:26.21]Everyone says now or never
[02:28.09]I say only if it's better
[02:30.08]Be a night like this forever
[02:32.07]I wanna go home (and celebrate)



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