Marley - Original Soundtrack-cd2
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Artist:bob marley
Songs Title:real situation

Check out the real situation
Nation war against nation
Where did it begin, when will it end
Well it seems like total destruction
The only solution
And there ain't no use
No one can stop them now
Ain't no use
Nobody can stop them now
Give them an inch they take a yard
Give them a yard they take a mile
Once a man and twice a child
And everything is just for awhile
It seems like total destruction
The only solution
And there ain't no use
No one can stop them now
Ain't no use no one can stop them now
Ain't no use no one can stop them now
Ain't no use no one can stop them now
Check in the real situation
Check it out, check it out
Nation fight against nation
Where did it all begin, when will it end
Well it seems like total destruction
The only solution
No use, can't stop them
Ain't no use can't stop them
Ain't no use no one can't stop them now
Can't stop them now
Ain't no use no one can stop them now
Ain't no use you even try.
Ain't no use got to say bye bye
Ain't no use no one can stop them now
No one can stop them now



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