I Created Disco
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Calvin Harris - Electro Man

Electro man, Electronic man
Electro man, Electronic woman
*Ive been* outside wearing my device
I came back in wearing the same device, as you

Electro man, Electronic man
Electro man, Electronic woman
*Ive been* outside wearing my device
I came back in wearing the same device, as you

*Electro man, Electronic man
Electro man, Electronic woman
Ive been outside wearing my device
I came back in wearing the same device, as you*

You don't believe me, but I would go anywhere with you
I would go anywhere with you
Uh uh
I would go anywhere with you
I would go anywhere with you

You don't believe me, but I would go anywhere with you
I would go anywhere with you
Uh uh
I would go anywhere with you
I would go anywhere with you

Electro man, Electronic man
Electro man, Electronic woman
*Ive been* outside wearing my device
I came back in wearing the same device, as you

Electro man, Electronic man
Electro man, Electronic woman
*Ive been* outside wearing my device
I came back in wearing the same device, as you



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