Farewell My Summer Love
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[00:19.61]To make my father proud
[00:26.62]To make my mother smile
[00:33.68]I need no conquered worlds, a flame
[00:40.77]Not set, the paceful style
[00:47.20]If I can follow through
[00:53.83]Oh, love think wavely me as my tears
[01:00.58]I'll find the way to sell my clothes
[01:08.00]Avoiding ships a fuss
[01:14.75]If I don't come up, number one
[01:21.62]I'll stand not well apart
[01:27.68]As one for numbered numbers
[01:34.74]When knowing in my heart
[01:41.56]I dare not to be done
[01:48.25]To always do my best
[01:55.37]By listening to me, myself
[02:02.87]So he can do or else
[02:14.59](Of without compromise,
[02:20.84]Shall follow the feel of constant care)
[02:28.34]In my eleven hour
[02:35.50]I'll be a man the way
[02:42.31]To face whatever force my way
[02:49.06]Prepared that are a shame
[02:55.31]To just recall the part of guide
[03:04.25]For which I have been named
[03:09.93]A man and a woman's youngest son
[03:17.31]Who are growing still a child
[03:23.31]And that will make my father proud
[03:30.00]And make my mother smile...



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