歌舞青春3(High School Musical 3 Soundtrack)
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[ti:I Want It All]
[00:03.89]Sharpay: Imagine having everything we ever dreamed
[00:17.09]Don't you want it?
[00:18.28]Ryan: Maybe
[00:19.00]Sharpay: Can't you see it?
[00:20.71]Ryan: Kinda
[00:20.81]Sharpay: Imagine first audition after college
[00:22.77]I get the lead!
[00:23.51]Ryan: A part for me?
[00:25.06]Sharpay: Well of course
[00:26.11]Ryan: Yeah right!
[00:26.77]Sharpay: You gotta believe it
[00:28.06]Ryan: Keep talking
[00:28.41]Sharpay: You and I all the fame
[00:29.65]Ryan: Sharpay and what's his name?
[00:30.62]Sharpay: sound exciting?
[00:32.72]Ryan: Inviting
[00:33.19]Sharpay: Let's do it then
[00:34.82]Ryan: Listening
[00:34.82]Sharpay: Personal stylist, agent and a publisist
[00:37.99]Ryan: But where do I fit into this?
[00:39.27]Sharpay: With you we can win
[00:40.92]Ryan: Win a part
[00:42.00]Sharpay: Think bigger!
[00:43.44]Ryan: Become superstars
[00:44.02]Sharpay: That's better
[00:45.86]Don't you see that bigger is better
[00:49.86]And better is bigger
[00:51.76]A little bit is never enough
[00:53.47]No, No, No!
[00:54.17]Chorus 1]
[00:54.77]Sharpay and Ryan:
[00:55.23]Don't you want it all!
[00:56.15]You want it, you know that you want it
[00:59.52]The fame and the fortune and more
[01:00.82]You want it all, you want it, you know that you want it
[01:04.31]You gotta have your star on the door
[01:07.60]You want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press
[01:10.78]Only givng you the best to use.
[01:14.07]Sing it!
[01:14.46]I want it all
[01:15.43]I want it, I want it, Yeah
[01:17.45]My name in lights at Carnage Hall
[01:20.52]I want it all!
[01:23.34]Sharpay: Can't you see it
[01:24.47]Ryan: Yeah
[01:24.68]Sharpay: They're gonna love me
[01:25.68]Ryan: Ahem
[01:26.08]Sharpay: I mean us!
[01:28.47]Red carpet, rose bouquets, crowd waiting back stage
[01:30.26]Ryan: I’m with her, don't stop me, I'm not the paparazzi
[01:35.43]Sharpay: Invitations, standing ovations
[01:38.83]Ryan: Magazines
[01:39.20]Sharpay: Yes please
[01:40.05]Sharpay and Ryan: Gonna be celebrities!
[01:41.38]Sharpay: Photographs, fanclubs, give the people what they love
[01:44.55]Now you're excited!
[01:46.83]Ryan: I like it
[01:47.51]Sharpay: Let's do it then
[01:48.73]Times Square, jet setters, sequels
[01:51.45]Hey better
[01:51.72]Sharpay and Ryan: New York today, tomorrow the world!!
[01:53.53]Ryan: Sold out shows
[01:55.97]Sharpay: Think bigger
[01:57.29]Ryan: And the oscar goes to....
[01:59.24]Sharpay: That's better!
[02:00.01]Sharpay and Ryan:
[02:01.23]Don't you see that bigger is better and Better is bigger
[02:03.12]A little bit is never enough!
[02:07.53]No, No, No!
[02:08.15]Sharpay and Ryan:
[02:08.66]I you want it all!
[02:09.86]I want it, I want it, Want it
[02:12.68]The fame and the fortune..and more
[02:13.87]I want it all
[02:15.68]I want it, I want it, Want it
[02:19.51]I gotta have my star on the door
[02:21.48]You want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press
[02:24.58]Only giving me the best to use.
[02:27.79]I Want it all!
[02:29.50]I want it, Want it, Want it, Radio, CD, Music Hall
[02:34.40]We Want it all!!
[02:36.40]Here in the spotlight we shine, look at who we are
[02:42.81]When Broadway knows your name,
[02:45.34]Sharpay and Ryan:
[02:45.86]you know that you’re a STARRRR!
[03:20.68]Sharpay and Ryan: I want it, I-I I want it, I want it, I want it,
[03:26.54]I-I, I want it, i want it, i want I-I I Want It!
[03:31.25]I Want It All! I want it, I want it, I want it! (I WANT IT ALLL)
[03:51.77]The fame and the fortune and more!
[03:54.29]I want it all! I want it, I want it
[03:57.75]I gotta have my star on the door
[04:00.69]You want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press
[04:03.78]Only givng you the best to use.
[04:07.47]I WANT IT ALL!
[04:08.55]Sharpay: Paris!
[04:09.20]Ryan: London!
[04:09.60]Sharpay: Rome!
[04:10.66]Ryan: Toronto!
[04:11.38]Sharpay: LA!
[04:12.45]Sharpay: Sidney!
[04:13.48]Ryan: Buenos Aires!
[04:14.55]Sharpay: Tokyo!
[04:15.91]Ryan: Moscow!
[04:16.87]Sharpay: Bollywood! Ryan: Hollywood!
[04:17.64]Sharpay and Ryan: NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[04:25.99]WE WANT IT ALL!!!



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