Making Mirrors
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[al:Making Mirrors]
[00:01.00]Gotye - Bronte
[00:05.00]QQ : 349777127
[00:41.90]Now your bowl is empty
[00:47.70]And your feet are cold
[00:55.64]And your body cannot stop rocking
[01:05.39]I know
[01:07.20]It hurts to let go
[01:31.37]Since the day we found you
[01:37.08]You have been our friend
[01:45.32]And your voice still
[01:52.00]Echoes in the hallway of this house
[01:56.95]But now
[01:59.13]It's the end
[02:03.20]We will be with you
[02:06.88]When you're leaving
[02:10.60]We will be with you
[02:15.42]When you go
[02:18.51]We will be with you
[02:23.89]And hold you till you're quiet
[02:28.20]It hurts to let you go
[02:36.00]We will be with you
[02:41.37]We will be with you
[02:48.60]We will be with you
[02:58.28]You will stay with us
[03:07.39]Gotye - Bronte
[03:11.99]QQ : 349777127



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