Queen: Greatest Hits
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Songs Title:seven seas of rhye

Words and music by freddie mercury
Fear me you lord and lady preachers
I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of rhye
Can you hear me you peers and privy councillors
I stand before you naked to the eyes
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that youll be mine
At the seven seas of rhye
Sister I live and lie for you
Mister do and Ill die
You are mine I possess you
Belong to you forever
Storm the master marathon Ill fly through
By flash and thunder fire Ill survive
Ill survive Ill survive
Then Ill defy the laws of nature
And come out alive
Begone with you you shod and shady senators
Give out the good leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours
And with a smile
Ill take you to the seven seas of rhye



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