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[00:04.99]Garbage - Show Me
[00:19.58]You could hear long before you could dream
[00:25.82]You could walk
[00:34.89]You could run long before you could sing
[00:40.98]You could talk
[00:49.80]Think about all the things you never say
[00:54.61]And spit them out
[01:05.37]Show me
[01:09.08]Show me how
[01:13.31]Show me
[01:16.56]Show me how
[01:20.67]Show me
[01:24.14]Show me who you are
[01:28.03]Show me
[01:32.03]Show me now
[01:58.21]It’s not as easy as it seems
[02:00.56]The world is big
[02:02.32]The sea is deep
[02:15.99]There is no rope
[02:17.94]There is no line
[02:28.67]We’re specs of dust up in the sky
[02:30.96]There is no space
[02:32.00]There is no time
[02:33.00]There’s only you and what we leave behind
[02:42.71]Show me
[02:46.33]Show me how
[02:50.07]Show me
[02:53.86]Show me who you are
[02:58.22]Show me
[03:01.97]Show me now
[03:18.95]What we leave behind
[03:34.49]What we leave behind
[03:52.05]Show me
[04:18.58]Show me what we leave behind



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