Not Your Kind of People
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[00:01.49]Not Your Kind of People - Garbage
[00:04.48]lyrics by viten QQ393398507
[00:18.32]We are not your kind of people..
[00:23.73]You seem kind of phoney,
[00:27.57]everything’s a lie.
[00:33.86]We are not your kind of people…
[00:39.38]Something in your make up,
[00:43.35]don’t see eye to eye
[00:49.63]We are not your kind of people…
[00:55.02]Don’t want to be like you,
[00:59.11]ever in our lives.
[01:05.38]We are not your kind of people…
[01:10.96]Find when you start talking,
[01:14.49]there’s nothing but white noise.
[01:20.26]Aaahh Aahh Aaahhh Aahh
[01:35.41]Aaahh Aahh Aaahhh Aahh
[02:24.19]Run around trying to fit in,
[02:26.87]wanting to be loved.
[02:28.30]It doesn’t take much,
[02:32.64]for someone to shut you down.
[02:38.24]When you build a shell,
[02:40.72]build an onion in your mind.
[02:42.76]You cant sit still,
[02:44.85]and you don’t like hanging round the crowd,
[02:48.29]They don’t understand.
[02:55.26]You dropped by,
[02:57.78]as I was sleeping,
[03:01.88]You came by to see,
[03:05.03]the whole commotion.
[03:09.59]And when I woke,
[03:13.01]I started laughing.
[03:17.13]The jokes on me,
[03:20.33]for not believing.
[03:26.30]We are not your kind of people…
[03:31.22]Speak a different language
[03:35.33]we see through your lies.
[03:41.37]We are not your kind of people…
[03:46.66]Won’t be cast as demons,
[03:50.95]creatures you despise.
[04:19.16][04:11.67][04:04.51][03:57.47]We are extraordinary of people



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