Mary Star Of The Sea
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Songs Title:lyric

here comes my faith to carry me on
a faith not ungreat
i fight to to stay strong so i
stand accused of playing numb
i know it is wrong
for i give my strength
i give my heart
take these chains
and hold them as ours
for i must shine
and i will a star
in a season all mine
a lyric, a DIME,a crusade, a line
one minute, a friend, a road without end
a lyric, a time, a crusade, a line
one minute, a friend, a road without end
so here is the view
i cast about
i'm leaving no room
for you to get out
you'll never get out
Dove, can't you cry
without and aside
of need. i want new vibes
i need you as my way
across my life
to spend these years
create a new thought
for i give you strength
and offer my heart
take these chains
and hold them as ours
for i'm a star
and i will shine
in a season all mine
a lyric, a DIME, a crusade, a line
one minute, a friend, a road without end
a lyric, a time, a crusade, a line
one minute, a friend, a road without end
a lyric, a time, a crusade, a line
one minute, a friend, a road without end
a lyric, a time, a crusade, a line
one minute, a friend, a road without end
a road without end



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