Mary Star Of The Sea
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Songs Title:heartsong

come in
make yourself at home
i'm a bit late
hate to make you wait
but heart songs
are still on my mind
there's never the time
to write down these lines
how can you say
that i don't need you
just be sure
no more, no less
let love confess to you
what you must do
come on
let's hit the road
i'm up to my tricks
i know they seem cold
but heart songs
are all that i am
i use the same words
to say the same things
how can you say
that i don't need you
just be sure
no more, no less
let love confess to you
what you must do
how can you say
that i don't need you
just be sure
no more, no less
let love confess to you
what you must do
how can you say
that i don't need you
just be sure
no more, no less
let love confess to you
what you must do



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