Mary Star Of The Sea
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Songs Title:of a broken heart

If only i die
Just once in my life
If only to try
To take a guess, to be the best
A feeling i hide
That runs this world, that keeps us alive
I want you to climb with me
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die
The heart of a child
Is in your hands now
So let's see you smile
cause i'm not impressed with your loneliness
And it's been a while
Since you forgave all your changes made
So let's count the miles together
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die
If only i die
Just once in my life
If only to try together
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die of a broken heart
A broken heart
Until i die



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