Vs Head Vs Heart
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[al:vs. Head vs. Heart]
[00:01.77]Cages - Emma-Louise
[00:12.91]I be flying home
[00:17.54]To you your eyes
[00:28.60]They will clip your hands
[00:33.35]In cages cages
[00:44.82]And I miss you more
[00:46.45]I know you're flying to me
[00:48.38]And I'm inside these walls anymore
[00:52.45]And if ever see
[00:54.20]More than I seen you before
[00:56.26]And I keep it clean
[00:57.76]Cleaner than me
[01:01.88]Clean clean
[01:16.38]The flick in my soul
[01:20.75]Sing it louder my love
[01:32.00]Heard you in so strong
[01:36.74]In love
[01:41.12]In love
[01:47.94]And I miss you more
[01:49.81]I know you're flying to me
[01:51.81]And I'm inside these walls anymore
[01:54.75]And if ever see
[01:57.44]More than I seen you before
[01:59.63]And I keep it clean
[02:01.44]Cleaner than me
[02:05.37]Clean clean
[02:11.31]Now I move past you growing
[02:19.81]Glam party with those feathers
[02:26.76]And make you all
[02:31.93]That you grow
[02:55.31]And I miss you more
[02:57.06]I know you're flying to me
[02:59.00]And I'm inside these walls anymore
[03:03.38]And if ever see
[03:04.94]More than I seen you before
[03:06.94]And I keep it clean
[03:08.81]Cleaner than me
[03:11.19]And erased you will
[03:12.88]My further sun
[03:15.12]And set you free
[03:16.82]Freer than me
[03:18.94]And remember me
[03:20.69]Only when you sleep
[03:23.19]I'll be back to you
[03:24.75]In cages



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