Vs Head Vs Heart
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[al:vs. Head vs. Heart]
[00:01.39]Freedom - Emma-Louise
[00:23.14]Through the window of my car
[00:26.95]I see beautiful girls
[00:31.02]And the city and the lights
[00:34.33]Two thousand and six miles from home
[00:38.45]But it's not over til the weekend
[00:42.39]Can you feel it can you feel it
[00:46.27]It's not over but we can pretend
[00:50.26]Cause we need it
[00:52.33]Yea we need it oh we need this
[00:58.01]Feel the wind blow through your hair
[01:01.89]This is freedom
[01:06.08]On a long road to nowhere
[01:09.32]Chasing the moon til morning comes
[01:13.64]But it's not over til the weekend
[01:17.47]Can you feel it can you feel it
[01:21.29]It's not over but we can pretend
[01:25.31]Cause we need it
[01:27.24]Yea we need it oh we need this
[01:30.87]And we'll drink too much and smoke too fast
[01:33.55]And waste our love chasing black
[01:37.51]Yea we'll living free and riding dreams
[01:41.01]And we're living yea were living
[01:44.38]Oh we are living
[02:05.07]Yea into the bright lights
[02:07.07]You get in or you don't don't dont don't
[02:12.26]And the city is full of life
[02:14.89]You get in or you go go go go
[02:20.07]Yea into the bright lights
[02:22.26]You get in or you don't don't dont don't
[02:27.82]And the city is full of life
[02:30.45]You get in or you go go go go
[02:35.70]But it's not over til the weekend
[02:39.38]Can you feel it can you feel it
[02:43.13]It's not over but we can pretend
[02:47.13]Cause we need it yea we need it
[02:51.13]Oh we need this
[02:52.20]And we'll drink too much and smoke too fast
[02:55.85]And waste our love chasing black
[02:58.98]Yea we'll living free and riding dreams
[03:03.04]And we're living yea were living
[03:06.91]And we'll drink too much and smoke too fast
[03:11.04]And waste our love chasing black
[03:14.60]Yea we'll living free and riding dreams
[03:18.60]And we're living yea were living
[03:21.35]Oh we are living



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