This Is What The Truth Feels Like
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[ar:Gwen Stefani]
[al:This Is What the Truth Feels Like]
[00:00.84]Splash - Gwen Stefani
[00:11.47]I'm awakening like a rosebud flowering
[00:14.42]Look at me I'm turning on busting like a neon
[00:18.83]Flickering on again lightning in the dark
[00:22.03]You're helping me forget
[00:23.80]What is this
[00:25.29]Gonna break out my cocoon
[00:27.55]I'm gonna take a risk skinny dip
[00:30.87]Cause I see you're on the loose
[00:33.57]Gonna lasso you gonna lasso you
[00:38.52]Gonna get some pleasure together
[00:44.28]Must be a sign
[00:47.98]All the energy's pulling me right back to you
[00:50.64]Tonight gonna bottle you up and wear it like perfume
[00:56.28]Alright we going in it's what we're supposed to do
[01:02.06]Tonight open wide
[01:07.71]Splash I'm diving in
[01:09.92]Diving in I'm diving in
[01:13.25]Splash I'm diving in
[01:15.65]Diving in I'm diving in
[01:18.73]I'm re-surfacing a brand new oxygen
[01:21.97]Look at me I'm letting go
[01:23.80]A rising Kundalini
[01:25.96]I'm breathing you breathing me
[01:27.30]Going with the flow
[01:29.42]You're helping me forget
[01:31.14]What is this
[01:32.52]Gonna break out my cocoon
[01:34.84]I'm gonna take a risk skinny dip
[01:38.15]Cause I see you're on the loose
[01:40.54]Gonna lasso you gonna lasso you
[01:45.85]Gonna get some pleasure together
[01:51.68]Must be a sign
[01:55.35]All the energy's pulling me right back to you
[01:57.98]Tonight gonna bottle you up and wear it like perfume
[02:03.53]Alright we going in it's what we're supposed to do
[02:09.26]Tonight open wide
[02:15.02]Splash I'm diving in
[02:17.13]Diving in I'm diving in
[02:20.58]Splash I'm diving in
[02:22.96]Diving in I'm diving in
[02:26.05]Splash I'm diving in
[02:28.36]Diving in I'm diving in
[02:31.82]Splash I'm diving in
[02:33.95]Diving in I'm diving in
[02:59.13]Must be a sign
[03:02.45]All the energy's pulling me right back to you
[03:05.25]Tonight gonna bottle you up and wear it like perfume
[03:11.00]Alright we going in it's what we're supposed to do
[03:16.56]Tonight open wide
[03:22.38]Splash I'm diving in
[03:24.59]Diving in I'm diving in
[03:27.99]Splash I'm diving in
[03:30.06]Diving in I'm diving in
[03:33.41]Splash I'm diving in
[03:35.71]Diving in I'm diving in
[03:39.25]Splash I'm diving in
[03:41.35]Diving in I'm diving in



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