Amanda Leigh
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Merrimack River (Reprise) - Mandy Moore

Restless to begin
A wave comes crashing in
The band on stage is tuning
Jacarandas are blooming
Your face sketched in the trees
Puts my mind at ease
Beneath the water frozen
The Merrimack River is flowing
Thunder rolling over
Don't say you're not amazed when you know you are
And don't say you're not afraid when you know you are
Rows of boys and girls
Line up to see the world
Candy-coated promise
Just out of reach when you want it
Give me something sweet
Bring me to the brink
I'll leave without hesitation
To a world without limitation
Rock me patient, slowly
Don't say you're not amazed when you know you are
And don't say you're not afraid when you know you are
You know you are
A world that moves too fast
A mouth of broken glass
It may not seem so painful
By January, the rain will swallow
Change will follow
Don't say you're not amazed when you know you are
Don't say you're not afraid when you know you are
You know you are
I know you are



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