Halcyon Days (Deluxe Edition)
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[ar:Ellie Goulding]
[al:Halcyon Days (Deluxe Edition)]
[00:00.27]Tessellate - Ellie Goulding
[00:30.81]Bite chunks out of me
[00:34.18]You’re a shark and I’m swimming
[00:37.74]heart still thumps as I bleed
[00:41.30]And all your friends come sniffing
[00:45.54]Triangles are my favorite shape
[00:49.22]Three points where two lines meet
[00:52.72]Toe to toe, back to back,
[00:54.51]let’s go, my love very late
[00:59.07]‘Til morning comes, let’s tessellate
[01:07.24]Go alone my flower
[01:13.99]And keep my whole lovely you
[01:20.91]Wild green stones alone my lover
[01:28.68]keep us on my heart
[02:06.74]Three guns and one goes off
[02:10.30]One’s empty, one’s not quick enough
[02:14.17]One burn, one red, one grin
[02:17.03]Search the graves while the camera spins
[02:21.09]Chunks of you will sink down to seals
[02:24.84]Blubber rich in mourning, they’ll nosh you up
[02:29.97]Yes, they’ll nosh the love away but it’s fair to say
[02:33.40]You will still haunt me
[02:36.27]Triangles are my favorite shape
[02:40.02]Three points where two lines meet
[02:43.45]Toe to toe, back to back,
[02:45.13]let’s go my love; it’s very late
[02:49.87]‘Til morning comes,
[03:26.38]Wild green stones alone my lover
[03:34.86]keep us on (2



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