The Magic Whip
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[al:The Magic Whip]
[00:00.64]Mirrorball - Blur
[00:16.49]Mirrorball on a jordan train
[00:23.53]I was under sea then I forget
[00:27.95]I did nothing
[00:35.48]Ocean park where the sea goes crying
[00:42.46]I remember flying reckless
[00:46.60]I was there
[00:50.77]So before you log out
[00:54.46]Oh boat stream
[01:01.42]Hold close to me
[01:28.49]I'll be back when december comes
[01:35.28]All the barriers of green fall down
[01:39.67]Where is every
[01:47.29]Oh mirrorball you're spinning out to sea
[01:54.11]Think I found you in the temple square
[01:58.83]Under a wretched dream
[02:03.10]So cry your eyes out
[02:06.19]Oh close to me
[02:13.16]Hold close to me
[03:00.13]Cry my eyes out
[03:02.88]Oh close to me
[03:09.54]Hold close to me
[03:17.57]Hold close to me
[03:25.13]Hold close to me



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