Nothing But the Beat Ultimate(Disc 2)
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Artist:david guetta
Songs Title:sunshine

Wait a minute more before you roll
I got plans for us thought you should know
Wait a minute more before you leave
Promise you're always coming back to me
'Cause I've had visions in my head
From the very first day that we ever met
Everything that I've been waiting for, is knocking at my door
You make me feel so high, your love is like sunshine
You had me at hello, don't mind if I say so
So before it fades away, I got one thing left to say
Your love is like sunshine
Throw another dime in that wishing well
If I could stay here underneath your spell
I'll do anything that you want me to
Just wanna be the one that gets to you
cause baby boy oh you're so fine
I get chills when you look at me with that smile
Everything we do is just so good
You make me wanna move
You make me feel so high, your love is like sunshine
You had me at hello, don't mind if I say so
So before it fades away, I got one thing left to say
Your love is like sunshine
You make me feel so good
You make me want to move
I'm under your spell and I will do
Anything to get to you
You make me feel so high, your love is like sunshine
You had me at hello, don't mind if I say so
So before it fades away, I got one thing left to say
Your love is like sunshine



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