Royal Blood
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Loose Change - Royal Blood

Loose change
Another penny in my pocket again
No Shame
Another heart-shaped locket
Choke chain
With 24 carats just to hock it again
There’s nobody home, no there’s nobody home
Cause all that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
Yeah, your money don’t fold
Stuck stood still with your door banging
Shadow through your little hole
But there’s nobody home, Yeah there’s nobody home
Teeth clean, nineteen, heart’s queen lookin' on the guillotine
They’ll get down on your floor, they’ll get down on your floor
Cause all that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
All that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
All that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
All that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
I wanna double my money
So don’t act, don’t act like there’s nobody home
Yeah quit playin' God on your telephone
Hand it over all to me
About as funny as a broken bone
But there’s nobody home, yeah there’s nobody home
Cause all that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
All that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
All that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold
All that glitters is gold
Till the glitter gets sold and the money don’t fold



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