Royal Blood
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Out Of The Black - Royal Blood

How did it feel when it came alive and took you?
Out of the black
It broke your skin and shook through
Every part of me, every part of you
You made a fool out of me
And took the skin off my back running
So don't breathe when I talk
'Cause you haven't been spoken to
I got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it
But a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket
I never knew why
And you didn't care when
You closed every door
An washed away no sin
And I promised you
Like you promised me
But those vows we made
fucked them up for free
You made a fool out of me
And took the skin off my back running
So don't breathe when I talk
'Cause you haven't been spoken to
I got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it
But a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket
You made a fool out of me
And took the skin off my back running
So don't breathe when I talk
'Cause you haven't been spoken to
I got a gun for a mouth and a bullet with your name on it
But a trigger for a heart beating blood from an empty pocket
And it's hard, this world
Never lets you go
Deals a crooked hand



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