Better Together - Acoustic
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Leave My Heart Out of This - Fifth Harmony

My heart is telling me that you were gonna change, but no

My heart is lying right to my face, yeah

My heart is making up excuses for your ways,

but I wish that

My heart knew when I should walk away, baby

Lets go down, you raise me

as I get back up off the ground

You're telling me that this is love but I found

It wasn't really on my side, now I think it's time

I tell my heart to just butt out,

keep its opinions to itself

I should just listen to my head,

cause its the one who knows what's best

It tells me not to love you, but my heart says just forgive you

Oh but it's not thinking clearly

I wish that I could leave my heart out of this

Leave my heart out of this

I'm done feeling like a shadow to myself, so I know

I've got to put all my feelings on a shelf, yeah

Lets go down, you raise me as

you get back up off the ground

You're telling me that this is love but I found

It wasn't really on my side, now I think it's time

I tell my heart to just butt out,

keep its opinions to itself

I should just listen to my head,

cause its the one who knows what's best

It tells me not to love you,

but my heart says just forgive you

Oh but it's not thinking clearly

I wish that I could leave my heart out of this

Leave my heart out of this

Sometimes I wish you'd just shut up and let me think,

I've had enough

I need to just make up my mind

So that's why

It tells me not to love you,

but my heart says just forgive you

Oh but it's not thinking clearly

I wish that I could leave my

(leave my, leave my, leave my, leave my)

heart out of this

Leave my heart out of this

Hey, la la la leave my heart

La la la leave my heart, no, no



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