Music To Make Boys Cry (Deluxe Edition)
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Blame Game - Diana Vickers

I've got an addiction to the friction when you rub me around way

I could tell you I'm sorry

But I'd do it again

I got the feeling, the feeling

We're too much of a good thing

And instead of pulling you closer, I push you away

And my make up is smudged

My tears on the floor

Oh this is the part

I went out the door

I tell you to go, I want you to stay

But it's too late

I, I, I'm always playing the blame game

Killing the good times

Always the same, same

I'm always playing the blame game

Such a shame, shame

Because I'm crazy about this

Wouldn't come for such a risk

Cause I, I, I'm always playing the blame game

I'm always playing the blame game

Second shot of tequila

Now I'm back on the dance floor

But seconds later you turn

And I get lost in the crowd

And when you take my hand

Oh it's the hand of a stranger

You're asking me what's wrong

But the music is too loud

And my make up is smudged

My tears on the floor

Oh this is the part

I went out the door

I tell you to go, I want you to stay

But it's too late

I, I, I'm always playing the blame game

Killing the good times

Always the same, same

I'm always playing the blame game

Such a shame, shame

Because I'm crazy about this

Wouldn't come for such a risk

Cause I, I, I'm always playing the blame game

I'm always playing the blame game

Playing the blame game

There's tears in your eyes

I've been here before

This is the part you walk out the door

I tell you to go

I want you to stay

But it's too late

I, I, I'm always playing the blame game

Killing the good times

Always the same, same

I'm always playing the blame game

Such a shame, shame

Because I'm crazy about this

Wouldn't come for such a risk

Cause I, I, I'm always playing the blame game

I'm always playing the blame game

But it comes with such a risk

Playing the blame game

But it comes with such a risk

Cause I'm crazy about your kiss

But it comes with such a risk

Cause I'm crazy about your kiss

But it comes with such a risk

Cause I'm crazy about your kiss

But it comes with such a risk



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