Music To Make Boys Cry (Deluxe Edition)
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Lightning Strikes - Diana Vickers


Sitting in the back sitting in the cap in that old cap day

Making the list and run some’for tonight when I DJ

I watch the morning ring, day tunes in the window plane

So I pick up my bags I’m heading to the door

I make a run for it before the next sample

And I spill my coffee on some passing guy

And I apologize and he kinda smiles and


Lightning strikes hits me hard inside

All the lights my heart beats

From the rose and I know I can fight, I can fight

I can fight, lightning strikes

Lightning strikes hits me hard inside

All the lights my heart beats

From the rose and I know I can fight, I can fight

I can fight, lightning strikes


Had I been grown in a parallel world

In that all kept day

Sitting in the back sitting in the cap watch the morning rain

Daydreams in the window pane

And we never wanna go, we never wanna go

We never wanna leave

But I keep on heading straight towards the door

I make a run for it before the next rain

And I ‘. on some passing guy

And I apologize and I smile and


Lightning strikes hits me hard inside

All the lights my heart beats

From the rose and I know I can fight, I can fight

I can fight, lightning strikes

Lightning strikes hits me hard inside

All the lights my heart beats

From the rose and I know I can fight, I can fight

I can fight, lightning strikes


Na na na na na hey

Na na na na na hey

Na na na na na hey

Na na na na na hey

Lightning strikes, oh

I can fight, I can fight

And I know I can fight, I can fight


Lightning strikes hits me hard inside

All the lights my heart beats

From the rose and I know I can fight, I can fight

I can fight, lightning strikes

Lightning strikes hits me hard inside

All the lights my heart beats

From the rose and I know I can fight, I can fight

I can fight, lightning strikes




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