Music To Make Boys Cry (Deluxe Edition)
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Cinderella - Diana Vickers


Some people wake up, scared of living their dream

They'll settle for anything

Some wanna live an airbrushed world,

like the cover of a magazine

But I believe in thunderbolts and butterflies

When you look into my eyes

I pray tonight that we don't fail

Click my heels, got a real life fairytale


If Cinderella was here tonight

She wouldn't walk out the door leaving you behind

Midnight calling but she don't care

She'd be a fool not to follow you everywhere

Because for you I would lose both, both of my shoes

Stay all night, see the light

That's all I wanna do


Some people get lost, looking up at the sky

Waiting for shooting stars

Some never take their eyes of the sidewalk

They'll never take a step too far

But I believe the planets and the stars align

When you look into my eyes

I pray tonight your kiss won't fail

Click my heels, got a real life fairytale


If Cinderella was here tonight

She wouldn't walk out the door leaving you behind

Midnight calling but she don't care

She'd be a fool not to follow you everywhere

Because for you I would lose both, both of my shoes

Stay all night, see the light

Walking home with you

For you I would lose both, both of my shoes

Stay all night, see the light

That's all I wanna do


Three AM, kissing in the corner

Four AM, running from the doorman

Five AM, dancing in the street lights

Just in time for us to see the sunrise


If Cinderella was here tonight

She wouldn't walk out the door leaving you behind

Midnight calling but she don't care

She'd be a fool not to follow you everywhere

Because for you I would lose both, both of my shoes

Stay all night, see the light

Walking home with you

For you I would lose both, both of my shoes

Stay all night, see the light

That's all I wanna do

Stay all night,

Walking home with you



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