Music To Make Boys Cry (Deluxe Edition)
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Music To Make Boys Cry - Diana Vickers

some night you feel cursed

And the music will only make it worse

some nights you feel free

Close your eyes and count to three

some night, our feet are moving to a different beat

It's alright

I've always liked my romance bittersweet

It's what I need

Some girls wanna dance in the spotlight

Some girls just kiss and tell

Some girls want a movie moment

Waiting by the wishing well

Don't need to make you love me

I got myself and I want to make music

To make the boys cry

Make the boys cry, make the boys cry

I like when it rains

And the thunder is running through my veins

I wanna switch off the stars

I've always liked it better in the dark

And tonight I feel like diving and going deep

It's alright

I've always liked my romance bittersweet

It's what I need

Some girls wanna dance in the spotlight

Some girls just kiss and tell

Some girls want a movie moment

Waiting by the wishing well

Don't need to make you love me

I got myself and I want to make music

To make the boys cry

Make the boys cry, make the boys cry

I want to make music to make the boys cry...

Right now

There's a change in the room

Can you feel it?

Right now

There's an epic story

Right now

I can see you

Why you came here tonight?

Right now

I don't know why I'm walking away

I, I, I want to make music to make the boys cry...

Some girls wanna dance in the spotlight

Some girls just kiss and tell

Some girls want a movie moment

Waiting by the wishing well

Don't need to make you love me

I got myself and I want to make music

To make the boys cry

Some girls wanna dance in the spotlight

Some girls just kiss and tell

Some girls want a movie moment

Waiting by the wishing well

Don't need to make you love me

I got myself and I want to make music

To make the boys cry

Make the boys cry, make the boys cry

I want to make music to make the boys cry...

Make the boys cry, make the boys cry

I want to make music to make the boys cry...



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