Hozier [Deluxe Edition]
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Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier

When I was a child, I heard voices.

Some would sing and some would scream

You soon find you have few choices

I learned the voices died with me

When I was a child I'd sit for hours

Staring into open flames

Something in it, had a power

Could barely tear my eyes away

All you have is your fire.

And the place you need to reach

Don't you ever, tame your demons

But always keep them on a leash

When I was 16 my senses fooled me

Thought gasoline was on my clothes

I knew that something would always rule me.

I knew this sin was mine alone

All you have is your fire

And the place you need to reach

Don't you ever, tame your demons

Always keep them on a leash

When I was a man I thought it ended

Well I knew loves perfect ache

But my peace has always depended

On all the ashes in my way

All you have is your fire

And the place you need to reach

Don't you ever, tame your demons

Always keep them on a leash



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