Hozier [Deluxe Edition]
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Run - Hozier

Rare is this love,

keep it covered

I need you to run to me,

run to me, lover

Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

Oh but the pharaoh knows

Her hungry eye, her ancient soul

It's carried by the sneer in the night rule

Know what it is to grow

Beneath her sky, a punishing cold

To sow the light of her ancient misery

To be twisted by something

A shame without a sin

Like how she twisted the bug man

After she married him

Rare is this love,

keep it covered

I need you to run to me,

run to me, lover

Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

But in all the world

There is one lover worthy of her

With as many souls claimed as she

But for all he's worth

He still shatters always on her earth

The cause of every tear

she'd ever weep

Rushing ashore to meet her

Foaming with loneliness

White ends to follow and meet her

Give her his loneliness

Rare is this love,

keep it covered

I need you to run to me,

run to me, lover

Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

Rare is this love,

keep it covered

I need you to run to me,

run to me, lover

Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

Rare is this love,

keep it covered

I need you to run to me,

run to me, lover

Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

Rare is this love,

keep it covered

I need you to run to me,

run to me, lover

Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding



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