Colours (Special Edition)
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I remember, looking out of my window

I kept staring, at a thousand shades of grey

I remember, back when I was flying solo

There was a black cloud I just couldn't blow away


It was a black and white movie where I played the part

Of the broken guy hopelessly left in the dark

I thought I was broken till you came to me

You opened my eyes, now I see


All the colours, when you're around

Oh the colours, when I see your smile

It's like fireworks in the night

A million butterflies in the sky

Oh the colours, oh the colours


When you're with me, we're not painting by numbers

We're like graffiti on the empty concrete walls

When you're with me, it's like everyday is summer

Your lovin' hits me, like a heatwave in July


You are the red to my heart and the blue in my eyes

The bright yellow sun that is casting its shine

The greener the grass, the better the high

Oh now I see


All the colours, when you're around

Oh the colours, when I see your smile

It's like fireworks in the night

A million butterflies in the sky

Oh the colours, oh the colours


Oh baby, can't you see

You mean the world to me

There is no other place

I'd rather be


All the colours, when you're around

Oh the colours, when I see your smile

It's like fireworks in the night

A million butterflies in the sky

Oh the colours, oh the colours


All the colours, when you're around

Oh the colours, when I see your smile

It's like fireworks in the night

A million butterflies in the sky

Oh the colours, oh the colours




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