Colours (Special Edition)
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Christopher - Big Mistake


Standing with your back against the wall

With your face to watch the door,

You don't look at me the same way that you did anymore

And I know that's a poor excuse,

And I just wanna make it right

I've got nowhere else that I would rather be than here tonight


She meant nothing to me

I wish you would believe


Everything came down, I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us

But I am going out of my mind.

Tell me what to say, I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us this way

But I made a big mistake.


You've been slippin' out from underneath,

Slippin' far away from me

I was drunk and I was lonely and I found some company

I know that's a bad excuse,

But baby it's the honest truth and I am sorry

Yeah I'm sorry


She meant nothing to me

I wish that you could see


Everything came down, I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us

But I am going out of my mind.

Tell me what to say, I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us this way

But I made a big mistake.


It is what it is,

Not leavin' like this

We'll take it from here

We'll find a way to work it out

An honest mistake

I know what you'll say

But just hear me out

I know that we can find a way


Everything came down, I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us this

I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us so

Tell me what to say, I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us this way

But I made a big mistake.


I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us this way

I'm not leavin' us this way

I'm not leavin', I'm not leavin' us this way



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