Colours (Special Edition)
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Christopher - Unbreakable


I got a pocket full of sand

I got a dream in my hand

I keep it to my heart

Even if you don't understand

I got a plan A

And that's all I really have

I'm flippin' the quarter

I don't know where it lands


But that's the wonder of it all

You wanna fly, you learn to fall

Maybe I will lose it all


When everything unfolds

I will be unbreakable

Through the undertow

I will stand my ground

And in the dark I glow

And I will be invincible

You can't break me down, oh

I will be unbreakable


Diggin' in the dirt

I've been there and I've been hurt

I've held my head high

Even when I didn't understand why

I should stick it out

Get rid of all the doubt

I'm spinnin' the wheel of luck

And no one knows what happens now


But that's the wonder of it all

You wanna fly, you learn to fall

Maybe I will lose it all


When everything unfolds

I will be unbreakable

Through the undertow

I will stand my ground

And in the dark I glow

And I will be invincible

You can't break me down, oh

I will be unbreakable


I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable

I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable

I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable

I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable


When everything unfolds

I will be unbreakable

Through the undertow

I will stand my ground

And in the dark I glow

And I will be invincible

You can't break me down, oh

I will be unbreakable


I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable

I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable

I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable

I'll be unbreakable, I'll be unbreakable



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