Colours (Special Edition)
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Christopher - Nothing In Common


You might say no to me

But to me a no is so indifferently

I drag along your way

It's your way I'm hanging in so desperately

I beg you please to start believe that it's way too soon

To change your way


You can feel that our love

Is fading out, out of touch

And you say we've got nothing in common

You're so crazy, I'm sane

You got heart, I got brains

And there's nothing that we have in common at all

Oh, oh, oh

Nothing in common


I listen to your words

And it hurts when you tell me how I'm supposed to be

You tell me to suit up, get a job

It makes you crazy that I cannot see

'Cause I got heart, got soul

I play the guitar

It's too late to change your way


You can feel that our love

Is fading out, out of touch

And you say we've got nothing in common

You're so crazy, I'm sane

You got heart, I got brains

And there's nothing that we have in common at all

Oh, oh, oh

Nothing in common


And all of my money I spend it on you

And all my love I gave it to you

My angel, my boo, the things you do

If only you can tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me


You can feel that our love

Is fading out, out of touch

And you say we've got nothing in common

You're so crazy, I'm sane

You got heart, I got brains

And there's nothing that we have in common at all

Oh, oh, oh

Nothing in common


We got nothing in common at all

At all, at all

We got nothing in common at all



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