The Hunting Party
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[ar:Linkin Park]
[al:The Hunting Party]
[00:00.64]War - Linkin Park
[00:06.42]One, two, one, two, three, four!
[00:21.57]There's no peace. Only war
[00:24.84]Victory decides who's wrong or right
[00:28.03]It will not cease. Only grow
[00:31.77]You better be prepared to fight!
[00:35.08]And it will not apologize
[00:38.52]For laying down your life
[00:50.18]There's no pain. It will spare
[00:53.70]Death has become your only right
[00:56.38]And once you're lost
[00:58.29]In your despair
[01:00.27]Forever black, eternal light
[01:03.36]And it will not apologize
[01:07.09]For laying down your life
[01:44.37]It needs no side to justify
[01:47.48]Laying down your life



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