Live At the House of Blues Cleveland
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Artist:sum 41
Songs Title:makes no difference
Album by: Half Hour Of Power
Artist by: Sum 41

Youre running fast and missing but cannot help
The reasons you gave me are all wearing thin.
Its not meant to hurt you but let me assure,
Its not what I said but intentions youve read.
So when you hold onto the past then you
Will break down what little is left.
(and yah)
Theres nothing more you cant ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.
Now that youre older lifes weighing on your
You cant seem to keep things so perfectly straight.
With most things so basic you might as well face it.
You cant help but worry its all just begun
So when you hold onto the past then you,
Will break down what little is left.
(and yah)
Theres nothing more you cant ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference
So when you hold onto the past then you,
Will break down what little is left.
(and yah)
Theres nothing more you cant ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.
It makes no difference
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference
It makes no difference to me



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