Early Years
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Get out of bed
And you look in the mirror
As my hate in your head
Doesn't get any clearer
The boss just said
You're gonna lose your job
You're gonna lose your thing
If you're late
Later the weatherman said
It's gonna be sunny
And it starts to rain
And you don't think it's funny
So you visit your friends
But there's no one home
And you don't have a dime
And you can't even call them on the phone
So get up
Get up [repeat 6 times],Your stomach so empty
And you need some food
So you just suck yourself
But it just doesn't do any good
You think about going home
So you can be a mistake
Does there never change nothing above
About the sinners view
And the wasting of time
And wanna grap your hair
And pull you in line
So get up
Get up [repeat 6 times]



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